
Showing 50 results of 308

What would you change

Mar 21 2023

Retirement is on the radar now, so I have a question - what would you have done different the year before you retired with what you know now that you have. submitted by /u/StMaartenforme[visit reddit]...

Retired or Just Tired? Nearly 70% of Americans Plan to Work in Retirement

Mar 20 2023

Working through retirement may seem like an absurdly oxymoronic approach to one's golden years, yet it's becoming the norm. Over two-thirds (69%) of unretired investors report they may work or continu...

Funding a spousal Roth IRA for a married retired man

Mar 16 2023

Hello everyone. My father is set to retire at age 75. The issue is he has a TIAA retirement account which is like a 401k but not quit. It's a retirement account from a university. It seems to be somet...

Retirement Splurge?

Mar 14 2023

When you retired was there something you splurged on? I know a lot of us try to pay everything off and cut expenses during retirement. On the other hand I feel like we work hard all of our life to enj...

Why Didn t Anybody Tell Me These Before I Retired

Mar 14 2023

March 15, 2023 — It seems like retirement shouldn’t be allowed to start until a person went through a required course. There are so many important decisions – when to take Social Sec...

Why Didn’t Anybody Tell Me This Stuff Before I Retired

Mar 14 2023

March 15, 2023 — It seems like a person shouldn’t be allowed to start retirement until they went through a course. There are so many important decisions – when to take Social Securit...

Reality Check Please Retired last year at 71 and started collecting SS

Mar 11 2023

My understanding is I can earn up to $21,240 this year without any impact on my SS benefits. Is this true or did I miss something? submitted by /u/mrcanard[visit reddit] [comments]...

Retired and looking to start a business

Mar 10 2023

I retired from the military a few years ago. Both wife and I are stay at home parents. I’ve been working in several startup. How many of you who retired young, don’t have to work if you do...

Why is the Actuarial Profession Reluctant to Advance Actuarial Solutions to the Decumulation Problem?

Mar 06 2023

As a retired actuary who advocates the use of basic actuarial principles and processes to help retirees and near retirees make better financial decisions, I frequently wonder why my profession is so r...

Short term options for idle cash

Mar 06 2023

Retired late last year, and just received my final bonus payout that amounted to roughly $50k. Without these funds I would have started drawing about $5k a month from my IRAs in the next month or two....

I Retired At 55 With One Regret - I Should Have Retired At 50

Mar 05 2023

submitted by /u/dirtee_1[visit reddit] [comments]...

retire right now?

Mar 01 2023

I got a lot of stuff going on. I have kidney cancer, I am 64 and have a federal job that now has changed and I question my skills at it, I have a wife who quit her job and has retired but without draw...

Questions: COBRA / Marketplace Open Enrollment (US)

Mar 01 2023

I'm retired and on COBRA (extension of employer insurance) for 18 months. That ends in the 3rd quarter of next year, not lining up with the marketplace, which is based on calendar year....

I feel retired, my finances don't show it though. What does it feel like to you guys?

Mar 01 2023

For me it feels like I'm aiming less for money and more for financial stability. I'm probably living in a delusion. It just feels like I have less to worry about and can budget my finances well enough...

Medically retired at 31. Bored/zero purpose and need some advice

Feb 28 2023

Hi guys how's it going? I was in the Air force for 13 years and for reasons I won't go into, I was medically discharged and placed on a pension and medically 'retired' at 31 years old. Due to being on...

Tom Brady on retirement

Feb 22 2023

From AARP magazine source: Q. You retired, then unretired last year. Is retirement overrated? A. “Retirement&rdq...

There Shouldn’t Be Boredom in Retirement or You’re Doing It Wrong

Feb 21 2023

I recently went out with some good friends of mine – one I’ve been friends with since high school and two since college. They’re great guys and it’s always fun when the stars a...

Finding your new identity in retirement.

Feb 21 2023

I have a friend who is being forced into retirement at age 69 by physical issues. This happened very suddenly, and he has not really thought about daily life in retirement. The health issue will force...

Q for those that retired early but still had to generate an income

Feb 21 2023

Curious to hear from folks that retired when they hit their employer’s “magic number” (well before being eligible for SSI and medicare) to receive health insurance benefits for life ...

How do you enjoy a retirement, when siblings hadn’t prepared and are near destitute?

Feb 21 2023

I’m concerned that my older sister has done nothing to prepare for retirement. It’s worse than that, she’s worked gig jobs and avoided paying taxes. At this point I doubt she’s...

What is your biggest regret in retirement?

Feb 20 2023

Those of you who have recently retired, say in the past year or two, what would you do differently if you had the chance to do it over? I'm preparing myself for retirement in the next couple of years ...

Retire next year?

Feb 19 2023

I am 53m with wife, 53f, one kid, 15. Retired from military in 2020 with 70k pension that I am currently receiving. Wife gets 30k if I die first. I expect 35k/yr social security at 67. Wife will colle...

Anybody retire to Vancouver?

Feb 15 2023

Newly retired and living in Halifax. Lived in Vancouver for a few years in the late ‘80’s and been back to visit most recently last May for a few weeks. It’s my favourite place in th...

Filling Out Form W-4P In Retirement...(Help!)

Feb 15 2023

Hoping that someone might have gone through this too... The new W-4(P) Form is confusing me real good. I am newly retired and married/filing jointly. Question 2(b)(I) on Form W-4P asks for taxable ann...

15 Ways To Prevent Identity Theft

Feb 15 2023

February 15, 2023 — In 2021 the Federal Trade Commission received 1.5 million reports of identity theft. And guess who is usually the #1 target for scammers – right, retired people. A comb...

15 Ways To Prevent Identity Theft

Feb 15 2023

February 15, 2023 — In 2021 the Federal Trade Commission received 1.5 million reports of identity theft. And guess who is usually the #1 target for scammers – right, retired people. A comb...

Family Maximum Benefit (Disability)

Feb 14 2023

Photo credit: jb In a previous article we talked about the Social Security Family Maximum Benefit for a retired worker – and we mentioned that there was a separate calculation for the Social Sec...

( USA - CA) Retired public school teacher over 60 on retirement benefits. - What kind of rules are placed on retirees and what entities ate they allowed to work and still recieved benefits.

Feb 14 2023

In particular, wish to ask if contract work for a public school or university would be allowed submitted by /u/mtmag_dev52[visit reddit] [comments]...

Drawing from Investments in Retirement

Feb 12 2023

Would appreciate any input as I will be discussing with my financial advisor. I’m about to turn 65 and retired about a year ago. I haven’t touched my investments this far, but will need to...

I'm Retired: Where's The Money Coming From?

Feb 11 2023

Isn't this a question we ask about retirement, even if we are "expert" about all things retirement by now? This question is important enough for me to attempt an answer. The number one financial fear ...

Where Am I?

Feb 11 2023

I'm on vacation. Yes, I know, some people ask: How can you be on vacation when you're retired? Well, trust me, pre-retirees and other people still working, and as my fellow retirees can attest . . . y...

HSA Contributions for 1 working/1 retired

Feb 09 2023

My wife and I each have separate HSA accounts. We each also had separate individual health insurance through our employers. My wife retired in 2022. In 2023, she will have no "earned" income. Can she ...

Post FI Notes 024: Retired Cardiologist Combatting Boredom

Feb 08 2023

Our couple today is made up of a retired cardiologist alongside his retired office billing manager, retiring to sunny Florida ... Read more...

Were you able to start any new, expensive, and space-consuming, equipment-heavy hobbies after you retired?

Feb 07 2023

I am guessing that a lot of people dream of retiring so that they can devote time to things like restoring old cars, bronze sculpting, or woodworking. Has anyone been able to take up this sort of hobb...

Retired feds: Keep TSP funds with TSP?

Feb 06 2023

I'm a federal employee retiring soon. I'm curious what others have done with their TSP funds. I'm planning on shifting my funds to an investment firm...but are there compelling reasons to stay with TS...

For those who have retired on dividends and collect SS, what is the role of bonds in your portfolio?

Feb 04 2023

So, I'm obviously asking so that you can look at what I'm doing and see if it makes sense. My current "plan" is to retire on dividends in about a dozen or so years at age 70. Me and my wife will colle...

7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Retired - Eggstack

Jan 30 2023

Life is full of surprises and retirement is no exception. From the perspective of someone on the other side, here are 7 things I wish I knew before I retired. Continue reading...

How is Retirement Supposed To Feel?

Jan 22 2023

Occasionally I receivesome form of the question, "How come I don't feel retired?" And it doesn't seem to matter whether the person has been away from full-time work for a few months, a few years, or a...

Rent vs Buy Winter Place in FL

Jan 22 2023

I’ve retired in the last year in the Midwest. Summer is easy but winter is confining. After a spending a few weeks in Florida I’ve made a decision to spend the winter there and take advant...

For those of you who retired, how did you do it?

Jan 20 2023

I’m 25F, debt free, $44k income, no 401k match from job . Just started saving for retirement. My family (immigrants) is traditional and doesn’t save for retirement, since they just expect ...

Do you find yourself retired with little or no motivation?

Jan 18 2023

Staying motivated during retirement requires some forethought. You need to get yourself into a routine. You were in one for 40 some years and now your not. Some people can't handle that. If you don't ...

"Use your head for something besides a hat rack."

Jan 18 2023

Growing up, it's the only real advice my father gave me... about ten thousand times. :-) I think back on it now that I'm retired and you know what, he was right. submitted by /u/Scott-A-Gese[visit red...

Are you retired and have little motivation?

Jan 18 2023

Just a thought here. If you lack motivation and are slightly depressed you might be suffering from S.A.D. Seasonal affective disorder. It affects more than those who are retired. It's a type of depres...

Getting Motivated

Jan 17 2023

Been retired for coming up to a year now. At first, I treated it a bit like a holiday at home. Not having to get up early, get somewhere, or do anything. After years of long hours and longer drives, i...

Should I be on Facebook to find local activity groups?

Jan 16 2023

I've made it this far without being on Facebook, but maybe I need to give in? As I discussed in a different post, I'm retired early, bored and lonely and finding very very little in the way of organiz...

Two weeks into retirement, had a work dream.

Jan 15 2023

I retired end of 2022. Last night I had a dream (nightmare?) where my boss treated one of my subordinates in a spiteful and disrespectful way, and he refused to listen to me that the team member deser...