We curate a selection of educational retirement articles sourced from the web, authored by genuine retirees and financial experts. These articles contain valuable insights and guidance suitable for every phase of retirement planning, whether you're considering early retirement, traditional retirement, or already enjoying retired life. We've categorized the content to facilitate your search for topics that pique your interest. Our aim is to assist you in charting a path towards a fulfilling and joyful retirement. We extend our best wishes for a prosperous and contented journey ahead!
Showing 49 results of 8199
Nov 30 2020
When it comes to predicting your post-retirement life, you won’t know what it’s really like until you’re in it....
Nov 19 2020
Next time you hear "people used to have a pension," think "people used to save 15-20% of their pay." Nothing stops you from doing so today, unless you don't want to....
Nov 11 2020
Today, a reader struggles with the question of how to find your passion in retirement. With two years to go, he shares what he's doing....
Sep 30 2020
What are the 6 most common retirement mistakes? Why do 43% of retirees have regrets, and what can we learn from them?...
Sep 24 2020
Having both current income and an investment portfolio makes you financially more secure. That's the smart way to do FIRE....
Sep 02 2020
If you're thinking of getting an RV in retirement, today's post is for you. What we've learned from 3 years of RV'ing in retirement....
Jun 20 2020
I love our dividend portfolio because it's a great source of passive income. See how to start investing in dividend stocks....
Mar 04 2020
A review of the retirement calculator from NewRetirement, including a summary of all functionality, pros and cons, and a summary of other product offerings....
Feb 23 2020
Fifteen years ago, Bob Clyatt chose semi-retirement: He shifted to less stressful part-time work. He wrote a book about it. This is an update on his life....
Nov 19 2019
While most people find retirement to be a great time in life, there are those who suffer from The Dark Side of Retirement. Today, some tips to help....
Oct 26 2019
Medicare won't help you pay for these commonly used health care services....
Oct 16 2019
"How Long Will Your Retirement Savings Last?" is one of the most important questions to ask, but it's impossible to answer. Today, some free tools to help....
Oct 02 2019
Here's how to find health insurance if you retire before age 65....
Jul 16 2019
An expert in the field of retirement planning shares his perspective on how to find fulfillment in retirement. His advice is worth heeding....
Jun 24 2019
The rich do take advantage of their knowledge of the tax code to pay less in taxes. But six strategies higher earners use are available to everyone....
May 29 2019
Medicaid-compliant annuities can be a financial lifeline for some seniors. These immediate annuities provide a guaranteed income stream that can help someone maintain quality of life if the spouse mov...
May 28 2019
Retiring early means lower average earnings for calculating Social Security benefits. However, once you reach the second bend point, you aren't losing much. I show you how to see when you will reach t...
Nov 16 2018
Are you Dr. Content or Dr. Neurotic when it comes to oversaving? The more we can move toward Dr. Content and away from Dr. Neurotic, the happier we and our families are going to be....
Sep 12 2018
In today’s episode of eggstack, we examine retirement rules of thumb. Who knew retirement planning was so easy you could do it with a rule of thumb? Continue reading...
Aug 28 2018
If you are like many readers, you’ve come to this blog having already spent years, maybe even decades, investing....
Aug 20 2018
Are you saving enough? It's the most basic of questions. Yet, I’m always so disappointed when I see an article showing how low the US savings rate is. A recent study by Fidelity showed that th...
Jun 20 2018
I compared two free calculators for the optimal Social Security claiming strategy with hypothetical test cases. They both do a good job....
May 04 2018
When I say Money Managers, I am also referring to Investment Advisors, Financial Planners, Brokers and the like....
Jan 29 2018
Financial experts agree. The first thing you should do (besides pay for basic expenses) is build an emergency fund to cover your ass when disaster strikes....
Jan 15 2018
There's tons of info online on how to get out of debt. Too often, these end up as a scam. Here's how to get out of debt without gimmicks or games....
Apr 30 2017
It was the end of 2012 when I first started looking for articles on what retirees did to create a happy retirement. My queries on the web resulted mostly in articles about retirement timing and fina...
Apr 23 2017
Last week Mike wrote to ask me for a quick answer to the question, “What are you going to do when you retire?” Mike plans to retire in three months. I often receive the related question, “What d...
Aug 17 2016
Bonds diversify your equity portfolio risk. Everybody knows that, right? Well, how much diversification potential is there, really? Much less than we thought! Of course, bonds are still useful but for...
Jun 15 2016
The one thing, as much as anything, that consumes people's thoughts when they think about early retirement is money. How's the market doing? How are my savings doing? Will I have enough? Have I ...
May 23 2016
It has been more than a month now since I early retired from MegaCorp and adopted my new life of leisure. It feels like I am still "skipping school" and am expected to go back to work at some point....
May 16 2016
Retirement planning can seem like a dense jungle of confusion and jargon, which is why many financial planners like to rely on a few simple rules to guide our decisions, and easily the most important ...
Apr 26 2016
When your 401k-type plan allows non-Roth after-tax contributions, you can take the money out to a Roth IRA or convert to Roth within the plan. Either way works....
Apr 16 2016
More and more frequently in the comments here I get asked about the tools specifically designed to help parents save for college....
Apr 16 2016
I thought about the question for a while and couldn’t come up with anything. No big deal; sometimes it takes me awhile to arrive at a good answer....
Apr 11 2016
There are many things money can buy, but the most valuable of all is freedom....
Apr 05 2016
Early retirement is expensive when you include the opportunity cost. It's the opposite of frugality....
Mar 08 2016
My latest research into the best retirement withdrawal strategies, including target and average asset allocations, and rebalancing strategies....
Feb 17 2016
Health insurance is a big, incremental expense for people hoping to retire early from corporate life. Understanding our options and the costs has been an important focus for us as we've plotted...
Sep 23 2015
The individual data points of life are much less predictable than the average. Here’s a simulation that shows you how much time is left on the clock....
Jun 29 2015
The one question most readers have been sending me has to do with The Number. I write those words with capital letters in homage to the financial planning book by Lee Eisenberg of the same name and ...
May 04 2015
A Roth conversion can be a smart move. But it can be made even smarter if you use more than one Roth IRA to do it, then recharacterize the underperformers....
Feb 16 2015
I had a great day at work this past Friday. There wasn't anything especially amazing about it, but it was a truly enjoyable day. Good conversation, meaty strategic work, and a fair amount of horsi...
Feb 10 2015
My son is a junior in high school and starting to look at colleges. He’s a smart, thoughtful kid who doesn’t seem to be stressing too much about where he goes off to school. At the same time, sinc...
Jan 26 2015
Saving for FIRE is the last thing on the minds of most people. Although almost everyone dreams of being financially independent and retiring early, very few are doing anything about it. Americans ...
Feb 22 2013
For almost nine years, I’ve been preaching a different brand of financial advice from what you see in the newspapers and magazines....
Jan 09 2013
I just completed an annual ritual that involves calculating one of my favorite metrics, other than monthly expenses and net worth, and that is overall portfolio return....
May 29 2012
In the world of early retirees, we have a concept that goes by names like “The 4% rule”, or “The 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate”, or simply “The SWR.”...
Jan 13 2012
This is the blog post that shows you how to be wealthy enough to retire in ten years....
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Retirement is an important milestone in a person's life because it marks the end of their career and the beginning of a new phase of life. It is a time when people can stop working and start enjoying the fruits of their labor. There are several reasons why retirement is important:
Financial stability: Retirement allows people to stop working and start relying on their savings, investments, and any other sources of income they may have. This financial stability can provide peace of mind and allow people to enjoy their retirement years without worrying about money.
Health benefits: Retirement can also have health benefits. It can reduce stress and allow people to have more time to focus on their physical and mental well-being. This can lead to a longer and healthier retirement.
Personal fulfillment: Retirement can also provide an opportunity for personal fulfillment. People may want to pursue hobbies, travel, or spend more time with loved ones. Retirement allows them to do so without the constraints of work.
Social support: Retirement can also provide social support and a sense of community. Many people find that they have more time to spend with friends and family, and may join social groups or organizations that can provide a sense of belonging and purpose.
Overall, retirement is an important phase of life that allows people to enjoy the fruits of their labor, focus on their health and well-being, and pursue personal fulfillment and social connections.