
Showing 8 results of 208

Why Everyone Needs An Advance Healthcare Directive

Dec 19 2022

Hey everyone. This post will be a bit of a downer. I’m in Chiang Mai to help manage the final stage of dementia for my mom. She has Lewy Body dementia. At this point, she is unable to do much. S...

How can you find joy (or at least peace) during difficult times? - Harvard Health

Oct 17 2022

When people are going through difficult times, it’s normal to feel a lack of joy. But even while struggling, the ability to find moments of joy can have profound and far-reaching effec......

Planning for Retirement Healthcare Costs - Eggstack

Feb 27 2022

A good understanding of Medicare is needed in order to plan for retirement healthcare costs. Medicare premiums, copays, and deductibles consume the majority of the typical retirement healthcare budget...

How To Get Health Insurance in Retirement

Aug 02 2021

If you're wondering "How to get health insurance in retirement", this post is for you. It's the story of what we did when our COBRA expired....

Healthcare Costs in Retirement - Eggstack

Mar 07 2021

While some costs such as transportation typically decrease in retirement, healthcare costs do not. Most retirees experience a marked increase in healthcare costs. Continue reading...

What Medicare Does Not Cover

Oct 26 2019

Medicare won't help you pay for these commonly used health care services....

Health Insurance Options When Retiring Early

Oct 02 2019

Here's how to find health insurance if you retire before age 65....

Health Insurance for Early Retirement

Feb 17 2016

   Health insurance is a big, incremental expense for people hoping to retire early from corporate life.  Understanding our options and the costs has been an important focus for us as we've plotted...